Relic Hamilton Genie Hunter - Joseph Coelho

12 year old Relic lives with his grandfather in London and loves nothing more than looking for treasure on the banks of the Thames.  His grandfather runs the antiques shop under where they live and one day, whilst he's sorting out the basement, Relic comes across a brass lamp.  When he polishes it, his life changes forever as a genie appears before him, a genie who is evil and feeds on hope.  This leads to the discovery of a secret community of genie hunters, but when relic's grandfather falls unconscious, can they save him?

I know Joseph's writing as I loved his Fairy Tales Gone Bad, but this is the first of his novels I've read so I was looking forward to it.

Relic lives a fairly simple life with his grandfather and enjoys the time they spend together mudlarking; however, it's clear from the beginning that he is being bullied.  He and his grandfather obviously have a close bond so when he releases the genie and his grandfather falls unconscious, he feels completely lost.  The arrival of the Hermitic Sodality of Genie Hunters to help him comes at completely the right time but what they have to tell him changes his life forever.  He is thrust into a world of technology, genies and discovering new things about the world ad himself on a daily basis.

What unfolds is an action-packed adventure and one that paints genies in a whole new light.  We traditionally see them as gentle creatures there to grant wishes, but these genies are evil and intent on causing havoc; they will stop at nothing to get what they want and it's up to The Hermitic Sodality of Genie Hunters, and now Relic, to stop them.

I know that this will be a book that will go down well in school as readers will delight in the excitement, the peril and the technology that abound.  Relic is a character that readers will be drawn to and the cliff-hanger ending will leave them wanting more.

Relic Hamilton Genie Hunter publishes on the 3rd October and I'm already desperate to read the second instalment!

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