Shadowghast - Thomas Taylor

I was lucky enough to be offered a very early read Shadowghast by Walker Books through NetGalley so settled down on my sunbed in a rather warmer and sunnier Ibiza to return to Eerie-on-Sea to find out what Herbie and Vi have been up to.

The summer season is over in Eerie-in-Sea and everyone is looking forward to Ghastly Night, Eerie’s own version of Halloween where the shadowy creature with horns is remembered. However, when a new magic act appears from nowhere with its main magician, Caliastra, claiming to be Herbie’s aunt, things take a dramatic turn in the town, especially when Jenny and then Mrs Fossil both go missing, and Herbie and Vi realise that it’s up to them to find out what is really going on. 

Th Eerie-on-Sea series of books has captured my imagination and my heart from the very first book and so it was wonderful to be back in the town and to catch-up with Herbie and Vi. In many respects,  nothing has changed: Herbie is still working the lost and found at the Gand Nautilus Hotel where Mr Mollusc is sill tormenting him, and Vi is firmly in place as Jenny’s assistant at The Book Dispensary. However, as you may imagine, many things have also changed, namely in the arrival of Caliastra who is claiming to be Herbie’s aunt and knows exactly what happened to him.  As Herbie is so desperate to feel a sense of belonging and family, it’s no surprise that this news turns his head and has him wanting to know more; however, it also comes as no surprise that the very sensible Vi is much more sceptical. The pair work well together, both in the plot as well as characters that compliment each other and it was very good to be back in their company.

The plot itself is gripping and has all the elements of a good Eerie adventure: intrigue, mystery, a sense of trepidation, questions about the past as well as the present, not to mention just enough sinister goings on to give you the shivers!

As with Malamander and Gargantis, Shadowghast is a gripping read that will have you hooked from the first page and I guarantee you won’t want to put it down.

Shadowghast is due for release on the 14th September, I urge you all to head back to Eerie.

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