Under A Fire-Red Sky - Geraldine McCaughrean

With the war looming, four young people sit on a train waiting to be evacuated.  But each decides they don't want to go.  They climb out of the carriage window and head back home to Greenwich, forming an unlikely friendship.  But as the Blitz unleashes its barrage of bombs on London, turning the sky ragged with flame, can the friends keep each other close and safe?

Reading the author's note at the beginning of the book, it is clear to see that the setting for Under A Fire-Red Sky is not the main character, as can often happen with books set during WWII; instead it's the four main characters, Olive, Lawrence, Franklin and Gremlin (Susan) who take centre stage in the book.  From completely different backgrounds, the four come together almost by accident and by virtue of the fact that none of them want to be evacuated.  As you get to know each one, you discover much of the reasons behind their actions and your affection for each grows.  That said, the book doesn't shy away from showing exactly what people when through in the Blitz and it can make a darker read at times - I liked that. 

Inspired by her father who was a fire fighter during the Blitz, Geraldine perfectly captures the time in this immersive read that deserves to be savoured.  I mainly read WWII books that are aimed at middle grade readers so it was refreshing to absorb myself in this YA.  

Under A Fire-Red Sky publishes on the 10th April.

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Under A Fire-Red Sky - Geraldine McCaughrean

With the war looming, four young people sit on a train waiting to be evacuated.  But each decides they don't want to go.  They climb out...