Dragonborn - Struan Murray

Life has been tough for Alex since her father's death and she misses him terribly, especially as her mum insists in a daily regime of incredibly strict rules. But when, Oliphos, a mysterious man, appears and informs her she's actually a dragon, everything changes in an instant.  However Alex's new life comes with danger: Drake Midna, the greatest dragon, is preparing for war against humans ... unless somebody can stop him in time. 

Wow! Where do I begin? For me, Struan Murray is a wonder with a pen and skilled at building the most vivid worlds, and Dragonborn is no exception. Skralla comes alive on the pages and brings with it a host of wonderous characters. It's the place where humans who have discovered they are actually dragons go to learn their skills but it's also a place where dark secrets lurk, ones that are bound to come out eventually.

Alex's life changes in every way possible. Still reeling from the death of her father, she discovers that everything she thought she knew is different, including herself. Murray portrays her grief brilliantly and as she wrestles with her internal thoughts and worries for so long, she begins to wonder if she will ever find her true self. 

I don't want to include spoilers in this review so there is much I want to say but won't.  However, I will say that from the beginning, the book lures you in and haunts you in the very best way whilst you're not reading it. Murray is a master at weaving in unexpected twists that make you gasp and this book was no exception - the end had me particularly gripped (to the point where I literally couldn't get out of bed until I'd read the last page ... then had to sit for a while to fully absorb and process everything I'd read.  The book hangover was real!).

Dragonborn is a stunning exploration into finding yourself, finding the truth and finding a way through your grief.  It's a book that will stay with you and will absolutely leave you wanting more.  

Publishing on the 1st May, I sincerely hope there will be more to this series.

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