Magicalia: Thief Of Shadows - Jennifer Bell


I'm a big fan of Jennifer's books and have been since reading the first Uncommoners book.  The first book in the Magicalia series, Race of Wonders, was a brilliant read (you can read my review here) and I've been waiting as patiently as I can for Thief Of Shadows to be published, so its arrival at the end of last week meant it raced straight to the top of my reading pile! (there may have been dancing round the kitchen when I opened it!)

The book begins with Bitsy and Kosh in the middle of a most unusual lesson at the European Conservatoire of Conjuring, after which Kosh is directed to an area of the school he's never been to before.  With Bitsy for company, he finds several members of staff waiting for him but the meeting is quickly interrupted by the Shadowmith, a notorious criminal.  It is then that things go very wrong and Kosh is accused of being the Shadowsmith, which forces himself and Bitsy into a race against time to prove his innocence and to protect the item the Shadowsmith is deserate to get their hands on.

It was absolutely wonderful to be back with Bitsy and Kosh again.  At the end of Race of Wonders (I won't include spoilers), they were determined to make the most of their conjuring skills and their exploits in Thief of Shadows certainly allows them to do that! Their skills and their ability to stay calm in the face of danger is great to read and, along with Mateo, it's a real race against time to save the day.  

As with Race of Wonders, there are a host of magicores to discover and I loved trying to guess which emotion they were based on as well as discovering their personalities (I'm definitely basing lessons on this is school!). 

The book is a rollercoaster of an adventure that will leave readers gripped and breathless. It's a feast for the imagination and a mythical world that is wholly believable.  It's pure escapism that is guaranteed to brighten even the darkest winter day and I can't wait to see what's in store next for our heroes.

Magicalia: Thief of Shadows publishes on the 6th February and I'm absolutely thrilled to be welcoming Jennifer into school this coming Tuesday to talk to us all about the series and to celebrate the publication of this second book.  Having enthralled the school back in 2018 with the final Uncommoners book, I know that we're in for a real treat.

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