Ice Apprentices - Jacob North


'Oswin Fields is an outside, rescued from the ice.  Then he gets a chance to for to the school for ice apprentices, and he sets out to prove his worth.  When the beasts begin to strike, Oswin has to risk everything he holds dear...'

In a world that is frozen and revolves around the freeze and the thaw, monsters lurk and survival is everything, so much so that people's worth is decided by how useful they are.  Then along comes Oswin, a stray who was found on the ice.  Until now, he has lead a sheltered life away from everyone; he is incredibly curious and always desperate to ask questions; he doesn't like not knowing, yet his new world seems to be full of the unknown and secrets. Life is difficult for him as an ice apprentice, especially as a stray - he faces prejudice and hatred, yet all he wants to do is show that he is worthy of being there.  He quickly discovers that his uncle was not well thought of in Tundra and he is advised to forget about him; however, Oswin in unable to do this and is determined to discover exactly what he did.

The friendship that forms between Oswin and Ennastasia is wonderful to read.  From very different backgrounds, Ennastasia's feeling of superiority is evident from the start but Oswin's persistence slowly leads to her thawing - their relationship made me smile.

Oswin makes the most wonderful hero: he's brave, true to himself and loyal as a friend.  He's somebody readers will delight in getting to know and will be rooting for with every chapter they read.  

Publishing 30/1/25, magic combines with adventure in this epic tale where intricate world building means that readers are guaranteed to be transported to the icy Tundra and will be disappointed to leave - please tell us there'll be a book 2!

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With the war looming, four young people sit on a train waiting to be evacuated.  But each decides they don't want to go.  They climb out...