Alex Neptune Dragon Champion - David Owen

Brineblood is back and is intent on stealing all the sea magic in order to raise a monster from the bottom of the ocean.  It's up to Alex, Zoey and Anil to stop Brineblood, but can they manage to defeat him in time?

Alex Neptune has been a series I have adored since the very first book and so it was a mix of emotions that I began reading Dragon Champion over the weekend: I was excited to get back to Alex and his friends to find out how it all would end, but I was also sad that this will be the last of the books.  I was torn between savouring the book and gobbling it up - gobbling it up won as I couldn't put the book down!  From the start, the action and adventure seeps from the book and Alex is tested in ways he's never been before when he loses his magic (this is not a spoiler as it's mentioned in the blurb).  Not only does he have to come to terms with this at the worst possible moment, but he also has to deal with the fact that Zoey and Anil still have their powers.  Luckily, the bond between them is stronger than ever and the trio make a great team.  Alex has come so far in this series; from being terrified of the sea to helping keep the sea safe, it's wonderful to see how strong he's become and how passionate he is about keeping Haven Bay, its residents and his family safe. 

Alongside the adventure, David maintains the subtle environmental messages through this book.  They are messages that have been present through the previous books and are evident again in Dragon Champion, especially when the trio are descending into the depths of the ocean.

I can't finish this review without giving a nod to the host of animals who have befriended Alex along the way; in particular Kraken who often feels more human than octopus!

Publishing 2nd January, Alex Neptune Dragon Champion is an action-packed, rollercoaster of a ride and a fitting end to this brilliant series.  I can't wait to see what David writes next.

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