Movies Showing Nowhere

On the day Cate came into the world, her mother left it.  Her dad is often distant and silent, so she has to keep herself entertained, with kung fu films, her pet rabbit and her photography hobby.  Then one day Cate receives a mysterious invitation to an abandoned cinema, and everything changes. 

When Cate meets the peculiar Mrs Kano, she discovers a most unusual kind of movie screen - the kind that lets you step through it into a memory.  So begins a wonder-filled adventure through time that will teach Cate the true meaning of love, loss and bravery. 

I'm not certain I know quite where to begin with this review without giving anything away; however, it's safe to say that this is an incredible book.

Cate's mum died when Cate was born and it seems that her dad has been grieving this loss ever since. Although he is there in body, his spirit is somewhere in the past, leaving Cate lonely. That is until Mrs Kano comes along with the cinema of movies showing nowhere, a place where people can come and visit a memory through a photograph projected on a screen. Cate helps Mrs Kano set up the cinema and take the very few people who visit into their memory. But Cate has so many questions and Mrs Kano is very reluctant to answer them. So how can Mrs Kano's trips into her own memory help Cate?

This is a beautifully written story that gently explores the impact of grief and bravery.  I don't want to say anything that will spoil the book but it is incredibly cleverly written and will cast a spell on all who read it (it's most certainly cast a spell on me).  I audibly gasped when I read the end (through tears, I might add) and it's taken me ages to really process how clever the book is - over a week later I'm still thinking about the book and its plot. I promise that this is a book you absolutely need to read and is one that will stay with you long after you've finished the final page.  Publishing on the 4th April, Movies Showing Nowhere will generate some incredible discussions in school and I can't wait to take it in.  

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