Feather - M G Leonard


The Twitchers are back for their final adventure and this time it's Ava at the helm.  Whilst on a school trip to the Royal Swan Natural History Museum, Ava stumbles across the theft of hundreds of bird skins, but not just any bird skins, these are rare birds of paradise.  Finding a black feather, Ava tries to inform the police that it's a clue but they refuse to listen to her so, ditching her school and risking the wrath of her mother, she takes the train to Briddvale and enlists the help of The Twitchers.  What follows is undoubtedly the gang's most dangerous mission yet, and one that could lead to people losing their lives if they aren't careful.  Can The Twitchers uncover the truth about the theft before it's too late?

MG Leonard first showed us her ability to incorporate her love of wildlife and her talent for writing with the Beetle Boy trilogy (if you haven't read the series, you really must)  and The Twitchers series has confirmed her status as a master of wildlife fiction.  The love of nature and birds, as well as the factual information about ornithology, is captivating to readers (you just needs to see the number of children in my school alone who love this book to know that it is having an impact) and is helping to create readers who care about the natural world around them. 

With each of these books, a different member of the group has taken the lead and this time it's Ava leading the way.  Present at the time of the robbery, she is determined not to be fobbed off.  Her stubborn determination is evident throughout the book and it's not surprising after everything she's been through.  I think her past is what makes her so desperate to help out and why she pushes on when others are urging caution.  I think she is an inspirational character in her sense of bravery as well as her determination to be a good friend; not to mention her resilience in making her voice heard.

This series finale is undoubtedly the most dangerous and gripping yet with some dark twists waiting for readers, and is guaranteed to have you unable to put the books down.  With robbery, murder and plots to kill, Feather is undoubtedly a most fitting end for our Twitcher friends.

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