Rainbow Grey Battle for the Skies - Laura Ellen Anderson

In the final book of the trilogy, Ray needs to use all the skills and magic she possesses to bring down Tornadia.  With the fate of The Weatherlands at stake, can Ray and her friends do what has to be done?

It's fair to say that there may have been some squealing when a copy of Battle for the Skies was waiting for me when I got home on Wednesday and it took me all my willpower to wait until the weekend to dive in!  However, I knew that once I started reading, I wouldn't want to stop, so I managed to resist and, on Saturday afternoon, I curled up under my blanket and headed back to Celestia to see how it all ended.

I'm not going to give anything away - you'll have to read the book to find out what happens - but it's safe to say that this is a story full of adventure,  bravery and tension.  Safe to say though that you will be gripped, you'll chuckle, you'll duck as you battle through the knicker-nado and marvel at the most perfect description of England I've ever read; you won't want to put the book down and you will look at sunflowers in a different way!  In short, this is the perfect ending to an utterly brilliant series.

Ray is a wonderful character who shows us all that being yourself is the best thing you can be, and that being different is a good thing.  She is a loyal friend and a true hero who will enchant readers and make them want their own rainbow hair!

The illustrations once again, like the world building, are superb and an utter joy to explore and since finishing the book, I have been back through simply to enjoy the artwork in its own right. 

Ray Grey is a character I won't forget in a hurry and, although I have a mini Nim on my lanyard, I still long for my own, real-life version!

I'm sad to say goodbye to Ray but, I know that whatever Laura does next, it will be a joy to read.  

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