The Secret Wild - Alex Evelyn


It's my stop on The Secret Wild blog tour today and I'm delighted to share my review along with the first two chapters of the book for you to enjoy.

Fern lives a very nomadic life, moving from country to country, exploring rainforests in the quest and she loves that she can spend her time talking to the plants and trees, and living free.  However, one day, her parents decide that she needs to go to school: she needs a more conventional education and to make friends with other children, so she is sent to London to live with her Uncle Ned who is a slightly eccentric writer.  Whilst on the flight over, she encounters a rather formidable woman and her assistant who are transporting numerous boxes of plants.  Restless during the flight, Fern sets off to explore and discovers the assistant watering the plants; however, one falls free of the container, landing at Fern's feet.  Instinct leads her to talk to the plant who seems to understand her and she bundles it into her bag and takes it with her to Uncle Ned's.  As she begins to acclimatise herself to her new life, she names the plant Secret and grows very fond of it.  However, strange things are happening in London and the work of a guerrilla gardener  seems to have gone into over-drive: plants are slowly taking over London and causing havoc.  There are roots bringing the underground to a stand-still; lily pads are creating new bridges over the Thames and things are only getting worse.  When Secret starts to look unwell, Fern realises she needs to get food for it, fast, but where is she going to get that? And can she discover what is happening to London?

Let me say from the get-go that I adored this book!  The writing is warm and enticing whilst also hooking you in instantly with descriptions of the rainforest and Fern's adventurous nature leading her into trouble.  And speaking of Fern, I guarantee that you will love her!  She's spirited and loves to be free but there's a deeper side to her we see when she feels lonely when she's sent to London - she misses her parents, despite Uncle Ned's efforts (the only thing he can successfully cook is toast!), and having Secret as her new friend is important to her.  I love that she refuses to wear shoes, even in London, and that she is her own person.  Secret is a brilliant character in its own right and I loved watching as its personality grew - the relationship between the pair is a joy to read.

Clearly one of the primary themes of the book is wildlife and the descriptions are a joy to read; however, I also like the messages that are woven into the plot about respecting wildlife.  The images of London changing had me mesmerised and I found myself picturing everywhere as I read with the addition of the fruits of the guerrilla gardeners work!

The Secret Wild is is just all kinds of gorgeousness and is full of love, bravery and places you will want to explore, and is a book you need in your life and to prove it, here's the first two chapters of the book to whet your appetite even more:

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