A Pinch of Magic

A Pinch of Magic – Michelle Harrison.

There’s more than a pinch of magic in this book!

Betty Widdershins longs for adventure and yearns to escape her home on the isle of Crowstone; however, one night, whilst heading for Marshfoot with her younger sister, Charlie, her grandmother thwarts her plans … again.  And it is then that Betty learns of the curse that entraps her and her sisters, and every other Widdershins female on Crowstone.  Along with the curse, the sisters are also each given a magical object (Betty a set of nesting dolls, Fliss a gilt-framed mirror and Charlie an old carpet bag).

Together, the sisters determine to try to break the curse but will they succeed?

K’s opinion:

I have always enjoyed Michelle’s books and was excited at the prospect of a new one, even more-so when I was lucky enough to be sent a proof copy!  It most certainly did not disappoint and Michelle has once again managed to weave her magic and cast her spell upon me!

This is an exciting and unexpected book with a strong story-line and great descriptive vocabulary (I’m always on the look-out for this to use with my class!). The links between the past and the present were well managed, the twists of magic helps to add a pinch of unpredictability and the element of ‘who should be trusted’ within the plot which adds to the tension.

I was particularly fond of the range of characters in the book. The three main female characters were all strong in their own right but for very different reasons: Betty’s determination shone through from start to finish; Fliss’s protectiveness of her younger siblings resonated with me (as an older sister!) and Charlie’s unexpected maturity for her age is a delight to see (and a reminder to us all not to judge people simply because of their age!).

There is already much interest in the book at school and I know that it will be a hit when it is released in February. Another huge success in my eyes, Michelle! When can we expect the next one?!

O's opinion:

This was such an AMAZING book! I love the way Michelle writes her books and how she creates suspense in such a way that keeps you gripped and A Pinch of Magic was no exception. I find the way she writes truly wonderful and I love her characterisation: I find the characters always draw me in and keep me reading. I admire Betty's determination that helps her to keep trying to accomplish her goal, even when she is told she can't do it. This is a wonderful book and I can't wait to see more from Michelle!

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