Death in the Spotlight - Robin Stevens

Death in the Spotlight - Robin Stevens.

We've been eagerly waiting for the next instalment of Daisy and Hazel's thrilling adventures since their foray into the Natural History Museum in July so I think it's fair to say that we were thrilled to get our hands on an early copy of the book (in fact O's jaw hit the floor and he did a happy dance around the room whilst clutching it in his hands!).   Normally, we take it turns to read books, but not this time ... it immediately became a two bookmark book as we read it simultaneously ... O reading it before and after school whilst I read it during ERIC time in the classroom (and yes, it did cause a stir that involved shrieking the first time it was seen!) and after O had reluctantly relinquished it when he went to bed! 

So ... the plot...

Following their adventures in Hong Kong, Daisy and Hazel have been sent to stay with Daisy’s Uncle Felix and his new wife, Lucy, in London where it is thought they will be kept away from trouble and gruesome murders!! When Aunt Lucy is called in to work, she decides that sending the girls to be bit parts in a production of Romeo and Juliet at the Rue Theatre will keep them safe; however, upon their arrival, they quickly discover that the cast are all squabbling with each other and then, of course, somebody is murdered!  Whilst they are pleased to see their old friend, Inspector Priestly, turn up to  investigate the case, they quickly decide that it is up to them to discover who committed the dastardly deed!

O's opinion
This book is absolutely, without a doubt, the best book in the world right now! I love how Robin writes these investigations because we never know who committed the crime until the very end. I also love how it’s not just Daisy who leads the duo: at some points Hazel was also leading the investigation, and I have to say that I think the twist at the end is her best yet!

Hazel is my favourite character in the whole series because she is very courageous and brave: to begin with, she didn’t like seeing dead bodies, she has now seen 8 and is still creeped out but doesn’t shriek any more. I also think she has developed in confidence as well with the trip to Hong Kong and coming back to the theatre. 

This book is amazing, dramatic and suspenseful all in one. I loved it and it deserves a standing ovation!

K's opinion
Whenever I begin a Robin Stevens book, I aim to figure out who the culprit is before it is revealed in the book and I've never succeeded! Going in to Death in the Spotlight, I was more resolute than ever ... and failed again in most spectacular fashion!!  I take my hat off to you for this one, Robin, the end definitely made me gasp in surprise!!!

The girls are growing up and the change in them is lovely to see. Whilst still reflecting the times Daisy and Hazel live in, Robin has managed to allow the them to develop as people and also weave in issues that are relevant today in a way that will resonate with those who need it in a very gentle but poignant tone.  I was thrilled to see Hazel continuing to grow in confidence, finding that she can stand-up to Daisy and over-come her fears. It was also good to see Daisy discovering more about herself as well (I'm trying to explain my thoughts without giving anything away!)

It will come as no surprise that there is a huge buzz of excitement about this book in school and for very good reasons. These books are full of adventure and excitement whilst leaving you guessing until the very end. As O said, Death in the Spotlight gets a standing ovation from us with a huge cry of “Encore!”. We can't wait for the next one!

Robin reading an extract from Death in the Spotlight at Broughton Hall Children's Literature Festival this weekend.  O and I were lucky enough to spend the weekend there and loved every minute of it. 

The Way Past Winter - Kiran Millwood Hargrave

The Way Past Winter - Kiran Millwood Hargrave.

Mila lives with her brother, Oskar, and their sisters, Pipa and Sanna, following the death of their mother (whilst giving birth to Pipa) and the disappearance of their father.

One night, a mysterious stranger comes to their door, requesting shelter for himself and his men - is it just Mila who sees that he seems to hover above the snow?  The following morning, the men have gone ... and so has Oskar ... as have all the boys in the village, except Rune, a mage.

Convinced that the mysterious stranger is at the heart of all of this and determined to save her brother, Mila sets out, with the help of Rune, on a daring (and sometimes terrifying) journey towards the North and Thule.  But can they make it in time and what will they discover when they get there?

O's opinion:

I really enjoyed the book, but Mum's already written her opinion and I made the mistake of reading it and found out that I agree with what's she said!!

I found that I really liked the fact that the book was written in a more traditional style yet a sense of mystery and adventure was strongly evident (I found I was willing the brother to be OK).  I also loved how Mila didn't give up, even when her sisters did.  I liked her sense of determination.

This was a really good book and I can't wait for another novel from this brilliant author.

K's opinion:
I'm a huge fan of Kiran's books and so was thrilled (actually giddy with excitement would be a better description) when I finally got my hands on a coveted proof-copy of this book ... and wow!  I wasn't disappointed.

There is a poetic elegance to the writing that simply left me speechless.  It is so beautifully written that I could only marvel as the story unfurled from the pages and bound itself into my soul so effortlessly (rather like the golden cords!).  You will feel connected to the characters long after the final page has been read.

As an English teacher, I'm always looking for ways to inspire the children in their own writing and The Way Past Winter has proved an invaluable resource.  Whilst reading it, I have ear-marked vocabulary and phrases to help develop the children's writing (you can see just some of the markers in the picture!) and the book, having sat tantalisingly on my desk for the past week, has caused many a curious child to take a look!  Their interest has been piqued and I know they will be thrilled when they discover that Kiran will be visiting school in a few weeks' time.

But back to the book ... I always love to see strong female characters portrayed in stories and Mila and her sisters didn't disappoint - it's important to see that girls can be strong, determined and fierce when they need/want to be.  Yet I feel that it is Rune whole stole my heart: his calm, composed manner and his resolute sense of self sends a message to us all ... know yourself; be true to yourself and be proud of who you are.

This is a triumph of a novel, Kiran; I am simply in awe of your writing (and just a little bit jealous!) and look forward to thanking you in person for writing it when you come to school!

A Darkness of Dragons - S A Patrick

A Darkness of Dragons - S A Patrick

‘There is magic in music.’

Patch is trying to make his way in the world as a piper when he is sentenced to serve jail time (a very, very long sentence) for playing a forbidden spell on his pipe which endangers those around him.

Whilst in his cell, he uncovers a secret about the evil Piper of Hamlyn and, after the dragons attack the castle where he's imprissoned inadvertently allow him to escape, he must uncover the truth about the Piper of Hamlyn who is on the loose.

Together with his friend Wren (a girl cursed to live as a rat) and Barber (the outcast dracogriff) they embark on a journey to try to save the day.

O's Opinion
From the start, this book is high-paced and energetic, so I had to keep reading to find out what happened. I was intrigued from the beginning and I loved it to the end.This amazing read was a page turner and I couldn't stop reading because, towards the end the suspense increased even further!

I loved Wren because she was determined to help Patch and not think about herself first. She was kind to him and helped him escape and wasn't scared about anything. I was surprised at how helpful Barver was to them and how friendly he was.

K's Opinion

This is a book full of adventure and excitement, anticipation and enough twists and turns to keep you on your toes.  The power of friendship and the strength of the bond that develops between the main characters is evident to see, as is the idea of  doing the right thing.

Patch is certainly a character who sticks to his principles, even if it results in him being down on his luck and even imprisoned. He is a very talented piper and a good friend who just wants to help - I spent a lot of the book wanting to reach into the pages to give him a big hug!

Wren is quite the character and I suspect someone that many readers will warm to.  She is a fiercely courageous and stubborn person who doesn't let adversity get to her.  Her bravery could teach us all a lesson!

Braver is probably the most unexpected character in the book: for such a large creature, he has a surprisingly gentle and polite manner which takes everybody by surprise - he epitomises the saying ‘don't judge people by their appearance.’

This is a perfect M.G. book, especially for those who miss Harry Potter!  Read it curled up wrapped in a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate and you'll be left with a reassuringly warm glow.

Shrapnel Boys - Jenny Pearson

WWII has arrived in London which changes Ronnie's life forever.  Unlike some of his classmates, he isn't evacuated, instead he remai...